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版权所有:扬州市施桥镇扬子村支部委员会    【后台入口
<% function titlepic(nr) nr=trim(nr) nr=replace(nr," ","") nr=replace(nr,"""","") titlepic=titleb(nr,n) end function function qxalttu(nr) nr=trim(nr) nr=replace(nr,"ALT","alt") nr=replace(nr,"ALT","alt") nr=replace(nr,"ALT","alt") nr=replace(nr,"ALT","alt") nr=replace(nr,"ALT","alt") if instr(nr," ")<>0 then aaa=split(nr," ") nr=aaa(0) end if qxalttu=nr end function set rs1= Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") rs1.open"select top 6 id,title,pic,lm,lm2,lm3,filename from news where ( pic like '%.jpg%' or pic like '%.JPG%' ) and sh=1 and lm='101' order by ontop desc , id desc ",conn,1,1 if rs1.eof or rs1.bof then else for i=1 to rs1.recordcount pic1=qxalttu(rs1("pic")) title1=left(rs1("title"),15) id1=rs1("id") filename1=rs1("filename") rs1.movenext if rs1.eof then pic2=pic1 title2=title1 id2=id1 filename2=filename1 pic3=pic1 title3=title1 id3=id1 filename3=filename1 pic4=pic1 title4=title1 id4=id1 filename4=filename1 pic5=pic1 title5=title1 id5=id1 filename5=filename1 pic6=pic1 title6=title1 id6=id1 filename6=filename1 exit for end if pic2=qxalttu(rs1("pic")) title2=left(rs1("title"),15) id2=rs1("id") filename2=rs1("filename") rs1.movenext if rs1.eof then pic3=pic2 title3=title2 id3=id2 filename3=filename2 pic4=pic2 title4=title2 id4=id2 filename4=filename2 pic5=pic2 title5=title2 id5=id2 filename5=filename2 pic6=pic2 title6=title2 id6=id2 filename6=filename2 exit for end if pic3=qxalttu(rs1("pic")) if pic3="" then pic3=pic2 title3=title2 id3=id2 filename3=filename2 if rs1.eof then exit for end if title3=left(rs1("title"),15) id3=rs1("id") filename3=rs1("filename") rs1.movenext if rs1.eof then pic4=pic3 title4=title3 id4=id3 filename4=filename3 pic5=pic3 title5=title3 id5=id3 filename5=filename3 pic6=pic3 title6=title3 id6=id3 filename6=filename3 exit for end if pic4=qxalttu(rs1("pic")) if rs1.eof then exit for title4=left(rs1("title"),15) id4=rs1("id") filename4=rs1("filename") rs1.movenext if rs1.eof then pic5=pic4 title5=title4 id5=id4 filename5=filename4 pic6=pic4 title6=title4 id6=id4 filename6=filename4 exit for end if pic5=qxalttu(rs1("pic")) title5=left(rs1("title"),15) id5=rs1("id") filename5=rs1("filename") rs1.movenext if rs1.eof then pic6=pic5 title6=title5 id6=id5 filename6=filename5 exit for end if pic6=qxalttu(rs1("pic")) title6=left(rs1("title"),15) id6=rs1("id") filename6=rs1("filename") rs1.movenext if rs1.eof then exit for next rs1.close set rs1=nothing end if if trim(filename1)<>"0" then url1=path&filename1 else url1=path&"News_View.asp?newsid="&id1 end if if trim(filename2)<>"0" then url2=path&filename2 else url2=path&"News_View.asp?newsid="&id2 end if if trim(filename3)<>"0" then url3=path&filename3 else url3=path&"News_View.asp?newsid="&id3 end if if trim(filename4)<>"0" then url4=path&filename4 else url4=path&"News_View.asp?newsid="&id4 end if if trim(filename5)<>"0" then url5=path&filename5 else url5=path&"News_View.asp?newsid="&id5 end if if trim(filename6)<>"0" then url6=path&filename6 else url6=path&"News_View.asp?newsid="&id6 end if %>